Friday, June 29, 2012

On the SCOTUS Health Care Ruling

I’m sure you are all aware that I have been following the SCOTUS ruling like a lion hunts its prey. Initially, I was shocked by the high court’s decision, a bit disheartened that the Constitution was not defended, and somewhat ready to throw in the towel. Then I realized something. The Founding Fathers created three branches of the government to establish checks and balances. In the case of the health care law, all three branches have weighed in and the law stands. However, the particular genius of the Constitution still remains. What is the particular genius of the Constitution? That it can always be changed. Who can change it? The people. That’s right, we the people can change it. We are the fourth check and balance. We, the people of the United States, are fully capable of changing this law. How? By voting for a new president and a new Congress. That’s how.

This epiphany came to me last night, while checking my Twitter feed when I happened upon a tweet to Charles Krauthammer’s article on the SCOTUS decision.   I strongly encourage all of you to click on the link and read Krauthammer’s perspective. It is a rallying call to the people. Chief Justice Roberts and the majority opinion gave us what we need to know. If we don’t like this law and wish to repeal or change it, then we MUST elect a new president. That’s not the job of the Chief Justice, that’s our job.

WE can change Washington. Only we, the people, can change it. How? By electing Representatives and Senators who put principle over party and who will actually vote FOR the people and against their party when something is right. Elect leaders who can make the tough decisions and go against party politics when they know it’s for the good of the people. That’s what we need. Governor Romney did this as Governor of Massachusetts. He went against his party on many votes and laws, but he did it for the people. He understood what the founding fathers understood-that he didn’t know everything, so he listened to the people. That’s the type of leadership we need.

So here’s my appeal to all of you. Some of you reading this are Democrats, some Republicans, some Independents-that’s fine. 

Here’s the message the Supreme Court sent us yesterday: We, the people, have the power to change our government. They’re clearly saying if you don’t like this law, fix it.

I say to you all, be engaged. Do your homework. Question candidates, question current politicians. Find out what they really stand for and decide for yourselves who you will support. Then do it. Support that candidate with everything you have. Participate in phone drives, door knocks, etc.

We the people have the power, but ONLY if we utilize it. Will you wield this power? If so, join me. Join the fight. Stand up for what you believe in and support candidates that align with your ideals. The days of sitting idly by and letting the government work on its own are over. The people must speak, and to do so, we must have your participation.

Go out there, talk to people, get information about candidates, attend meet and greets, make phone calls, spread the word. Fight for the power of the people.

This November 6th, let’s send a message to Washington and Harrisburg that will be resoundingly clear-we, the people of the United States, have had enough of your games. I make no secret of the fact that I believe Mitt Romney is the candidate who will do this. He is a Republican, yes, but a moderate one. One who understands that there are many sides to every issue, and it is his job to see through the fluff and do the right thing for the people. Support whomever you like, but real change will not occur if we re-elect the current President who seems even more committed to control every aspect of our lives.

Rise up, people. The fate of our nation depends on it. 

Take it or leave it, that's ChadlyMc's take on the SCOTUS Health care Ruling.